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So we live in an old house and it gets really cold during the cooler months. We currently have Bub dressed in a singlet, long sleeve pull over, 0.2 tog ergopouch onesie, and a 3.5 tog ergopouch sleeping bag but he is still waking up cold and requiring a thick blanket on top. How can I keep him warm with out using a blanket? He is 10 months old

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Posted a response on 7/6/23

Red Nose Education

Babies will often wake more frequently if they are cold, but sometimes it may be other reasons eg wet, hungry or no obvious reason.
Don’t rely on how cold his face/hands/feet feel. They can often feel cold.
Check his back or tummy, if that feels snuggly warm then he is warm enough.

If he is not rolling all around the cot when sleeping, you could try using a blanket, tucked in firmly up to chest.
This ensures baby’s head/face does not become covered.
If he is rolling around, then a blanket probably is not effective as he will get out from underneath it.
You can also add another layer of clothing if he is cold, but be careful of overheating.

Have a look at Red Nose general information about bedding & overheating

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