Q&A Forum



What advice do you have for Mum's not able to breastfeed? Not just the guilt of failing your child but also to reduce SIDs.

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Posted a response on 21/7/21

Red Nose Education

Red Nose does recommend breastfeeding, but also recognises that this is difficult &/or impossible for some Mum’s.
Red Nose does not support the belief that a mother has “failed”  if not able to breastfeed.
This is also the case for some families who are not able to Room Share.

It is important that the other 5 recommendations of Safe Sleeping to reduce the risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) are followed.

Place baby on back for sleep
Keep baby’s head & face uncovered
Keep baby smoke free before birth & after
Provide a safe environment for baby’s sleep - day & night
Room Share for the first 6-12 months.

Red Nose provides the following information.
Red Nose recommends that babies are breastfed.
Red Nose also supports parents who bottle feed their babies through the other five evidence-based strategies that they can use to reduce the risk of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy.
Parents who feed their baby infant formula or supplementary feeds will reduce the risk of SUDI using the other five evidence based safe sleeping strategies.

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