Search results for swaddling

References for Wrapping or Swaddling Babies

…Schulpen TWJ, L’Hoir MP. Swaddling: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2007;120:e1097-106. 3. Goodstein MH, Hauck FR, Darnall RA, Feldman-Winter L, Moon RY. Swaddling is not contraindicated in the newborn period. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2016;36:160. 4. Young J, Gore R, Gorman B, Watson K.…

7 things you do need for your new baby  

…bags Safe wrapping or swaddling is a wonderful way to soothe and settle babies for sleep. Use lightweight fabrics such as muslin or cotton, or a safe sleeping bag. A safe baby sleeping bag is constructed in such a way that the baby cannot slip inside the bag and become…

Lorraine’s advice: choosing the safer product for baby

…safe nursery, room temperature, swaddling, bassinettes and cots, using blankets, room sharing, product safety – and everything in between. We also now provide information and advice about safer pregnancy and ways for women to reduce their risk of stillbirth – we know that not all stillbirths are preventable, but there…