There are so many things on the market that are nice for babies to have but not needed, think fancy nappy disposal bins, ergonomic swings, sleepsuits that promise uninterrupted night’s sleep and even comfort toys.

When babies are born, they are such beautiful, sweet, and simple creatures and need very few items.
So, if you are about to welcome a new family member, don’t focus on having everything, but just the stuff you really do need. Here are seven items that are worth investing in before your baby arrives.
A cot
One of our safe sleep recommendations is that baby sleeps in their own safe sleep space in their parent or caregivers’ room for the first 6-12 months. A cot should meet Australian standard AS/NZS 2172:2003.
A firm flat mattress
A firm flat mattress that is the right size for your cot and meets voluntary Australian standard (AS/NZS 8811.1:2013).
Lightweight bedding
If you are using sheets and a blanket, make sure they are also lightweight and muslin or cotton fabric. But never place soft items in the cot such as lambswool or overlays, as these increase the risk of overheating. Anything that will make the surface softer can increase the risk of SUDI.
And bedding doesn’t have to be boring! Our partner Bonds have many options in their home range.
Don’t go overboard, but you can prepare ahead of time by ensuring you have about a month’s worth of essentials – especially nappies. You will go through more nappies than you think you will – a good rule is 8-10 disposable and up to 15 cloth nappies a day for a newborn.
The range of newborn clothes is quite astounding and incredibly adorable. First-time parents will often be tempted by the super cute, but less practical outfits with oodles of buttons (which can present a choking hazard if they become loose), hoods or legions of press studs, which are harder to navigate for sleep-deprived parents. We love a good zippy, especially for the newborn age. We like Bonds Wondercool Zippy’s which have an adaptive cooling fabric, to help ensure babies maintain a safe temperature.
Car Seat
By law, it is required that you place your baby in a correctly fitted infant restraint that meets the Australian standard AS/NZS 1754 for every trip in the car. There are many capsules that are approved that can easily be moved from the car and used with a pram. We do not recommend that you take advantage of this feature. As once a car journey is over it is very important that you remove the baby from the capsule or infant seat
Why is this?
Research has shown that babies left in an upright or slanted position such as in a car restraint, capsule or bouncinette, unsupervised or for long periods of time may be placed at increased risk for sudden infant death.
Car or baby seats can cause your baby’s head to fall forward which flexes the neck which can partially block baby’s airway making it harder for them to breathe.
The extra padding required to absorb impact during an accident whilst extremely important can also increase the baby’s body temperature because it often partially covers the baby’s head – the part baby needs to help stay cool. Another reason to remove your baby from the seat as soon as possible.
Lightweight breathable wraps or safe sleep bags
Safe wrapping or swaddling is a wonderful way to soothe and settle babies for sleep. Use lightweight fabrics such as muslin or cotton, or a safe sleeping bag.
A safe baby sleeping bag is constructed in such a way that the baby cannot slip inside the bag and become completely covered. The sleeping bag should be the correct size for the baby with a fitted neck, armholes (or sleeves) and no hood.
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Last modified: 17/5/24