Over half of all women who had a stillbirth noticed that their baby’s movements had slowed down or stopped, so we know that it is an important indicator. But any change to what is usual for your baby should be noted and this can be an increase or decrease in movement.

Being aware of your baby’s movements during pregnancy, is one of the simplest things you can do to help keep your baby safe and healthy.
Over half of all women who had a stillbirth noticed that their baby’s movements had slowed down or stopped, so we know that it is an important indicator. But any change to what is usual for your baby should be noted and this can be an increase or decrease in movement.
Regular and healthy movements are a good sign of baby’s wellbeing. There is no ‘normal’ when it comes to movements – they don’t all ‘feel’ the same way. For some mums it may feel like a kick, and for others more like a glide or even a roll.
If you feel any change to your baby’s movements, contact your maternity care professional immediately.