Safe Sleep Week - Babies Are Sleeping Safer

By Dr Bec Thornton, National Health Promotion Manager.

Mother with baby looking at a laptop

Safe Sleep Week, 6-12 March 2023, is proudly supported by Bonds, Sheridan and V-Tech.

For many, expecting a new baby can be a wonderful yet overwhelming time, and often SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy) are parents’ greatest fear.

One of the ways parents can ensure their baby is safe is by seeking practical, evidence-based advice from trusted experts like Red Nose.

Every year, Safe Sleep Week ensures that every person who looks after a baby knows the Safe Sleep steps that reduce the risk of SIDS, SUDI and fatal sleeping accidents.

Throughout Safe Sleep week, we run FREE online events for parents, health professionals, early education providers and First Nations people. Each event provides a safe space to learn and ask for advice.

We cover topics like:

  • Why you should always sleep baby on their back
  • Why baby’s head and face should be uncovered during sleep
  • How to create a safe sleep environment
  • Why sleeping baby in your room is best
  • How health professionals can better communicate with families around the Six Safe Sleep Guidelines
  • Plus, breastfeeding and its benefits

Your support during Safe Sleep Week helps to educate and reassure thousands of new parents and carers.

During last years’ Safe Sleep Week, over 153,000 parents, carers and health professionals across Australia accessed vital information to keep babies safe – all possible because of your generosity!

This year, with your continued support, we aim to reach even more people with our Safe Sleep messages and advice.

Red Nose helped me understand Safe Sleep practices – ‘pretty’ isn’t the goal – having a safe environment and healthy baby is!

~ Tea, first time mum

Support Lifesaving Education to Save Little Lives

Right now, it’s a crucial time for Safe Sleep education in our communities.

Over the past few years, the way parents access Safe Sleep information and support networks has changed – and there is still a wealth of misinformation circulating online.

We need your help today to fund more Safe Sleep education services and help spread awareness of our lifesaving advice, including:

  • Safe Sleep brochures for new mums in hospital so they have the advice needed to keep baby safe at home
  • Our Safe Sleep Advice Line and Online Hub, used by over 50,000 anxious parents each month
  • Media campaigns and Online Forums to combat misinformation in the community

Will you help save little lives today?

  • $30 can help fund Safe Sleep brochures for new mums in hospital
  • $45 can help fund the Safe Sleep Advice Line for one hour
  • $85 can help fund an online Q&A session with a Red Nose midwife

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