Hot tips for hot months: overheating is a contributor to SID. It’s important to make sure your baby is not too hot while sleeping.

Red Nose’s chief midwife Jane Wiggill says that while many parents don’t use blankets in warmer weather, some may choose to do so.
“Some parents may prefer to continue to use blankets in summer for various reasons such as cultural rituals or religious beliefs,” Jane says.
“If so, it’s essential to choose thin, lightweight options that can be removed easily according to the room temperature.
“With overheating being a risk factor for SIDS, anything that acts as an outer layer of an infant or child’s sleeping attire can contribute to overheating, such as sheets, blankets, sleeping bags or swaddles.
“Bedding always needs to be appropriate to the season or temperature of the room.”
Jane advises using cotton or muslin wraps in hotter weather if your baby is wrapped.
“Consider using cotton or muslin wraps with a nappy and singlet underneath,” she says.
“On hot days, no further bedding should be required.”
And if using a sleeping bag, make sure the baby is wearing the correct TOG for the room temperature.
“With sleep bags, your baby should only require a nappy underneath and no extra bedding,” Jane says.
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