Media Contacts

General Media enquiries

Maria Salvador

Monday to Thursday

Mobile: 0402 941 493

Fiona Jordan

Friday to Sunday

Mobile: 0402 846 867


The contact details listed above are exclusively for the use of editors, journalists and producers. If you are seeking other information or wish to speak to a Red Nose staff member please call our National Head Office on 1300 998 698.

For urgent grief and loss support, call our 24/7 Support Line on 1300 308 307.

get social with red nose

Follow Red Nose on social media:

Facebook @RedNoseAus

Instagram @rednoseaustralia

Linked In @Red-Nose-Australia

You can also follow our Red Nose Grief and Loss Australia channels:

Facebook @rednosegriefandloss

Instagram @rednosegriefandloss