Online Learning and eLearning Courses

Red Nose Safe Sleeping eLearning Course is designed to equip Early Childhood Educators with the knowledge to safely sleep babies and children in their care and provide safe sleeping advice to parents or carers.

The interactive modules cover all six Red Nose Safe Sleep Recommendations and has in-built quizzes and puzzles to test knowledge and practice.

Your staff will gain practical skills in the safest ways to sleep baby to reduce the risk of SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents.

Course details

  • Brings to life Red Nose’s six safe sleep recommendations
  • Links with ACECQA National Quality Standards
  • Easy to understand interactive format
  • Test knowledge and track staff completion rates
  • Access modules from anywhere using our online learning management system.

Who should complete the eLearning modules?

  • The eLearning Program is designed for:
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Family Day Care staff
  • Maternal and Child Health Nurses

Access now

Call us now to organise your subscription.