Q&A Forum



Are toddler loft beds safe? My toddler is 3 and has been sleeping on a single floor bed for a couple of years now. I am looking at space saving options and wondered whether a toddler loft bed could work and still be safe? They are fairly low to the ground (around 1m tall).

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Posted a response on 8/7/24

Red Nose Education

Red Nose does not have any specific information about toddler loft beds…...
However, we do have information in relation to bunk beds.

Product Safety Australia recommends the following due to the risk of falls.
“Although the suitable minimum age to use a bunk bed can vary greatly depending on a child’s maturity and development, using the top bunk or a raised bed is not recommended for children under nine years old.
Bunk beds are raised off the ground and consist of one or two beds. They are designed for adults or children and often come with a ladder.”
It seems that Product Safety include loft beds in the same category as bunk beds -
While Australian recommendations state not to use bunk beds for children less than 9yo, the USA standards recommend not to use bunk beds under 6yo & include loft beds in that recommendations.

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