Q&A Forum
Hello, my daughter is turning 2 at the end of may. She's just recently transitioned from a cot to a single bed. She's asked.to move and she was too big/waking herself up all night hitting the edges. She's still in a sleep sack but I'm wondering when she can transition out of that and just use a normal quilt? She also still sleeps with a dummy. Thank you
Red Nose Education
Red Nose recommends to stop using a sleeping bag once a child has moved from a cot to a bed.
This is due to the risk of trips/falls.
Have a look at our safety information, including Cot to Bed brochure.
https://rednose.org.au/downloads/RN3356_Cot_Bed_DL_Oct2018_Online.pdf (in partic - Alerts)
It is safer to wait till a baby is in a bed (& over 2 years) before introducing soft bedding like a pillow, doona or quilt.