Q&A Forum



Hi, I work in an early learning service. We have set up a sleep transition cot room in our 0-2 room, with mattresses on the floor. Some of the infant sleep on the mattresses along with the toddlers after consultation with the families, as the educators have found the infants ( 5 months old) sleep better on a floor mattress. We have ensured the mattress is positioned with the head or feet facing the wall to minimise children falling and getting caught between the mattress and wall. We were wondering if infants sleeping on a floor mattress was appropriate or best practice? Is there any additional consideration for infants sleeping on a floor mattress?

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Posted a response on 9/8/23

Red Nose Education

Red Nose has the following general information in relation to cot to bed safety.

For safety reasons, when a young child is observed attempting to climb out of the cot and looking like they might succeed, it is time to move them out of the cot.
This usually occurs when the child is between 2 and 3.5 years of age but could be as early as 18months.

Have a look at our cot to bed brochure to identify potential risks when moving baby from a cot.(general information)

Remember, that a baby of 5mths is still in the age range for SUDI & the same recommendations for a baby in a cot at 5 months would apply.

Have you discussed this with NSW Regulatory Authority?  Risk Assessment, Supervision & frequent checks would still be appropriate whether on a floor bed or in a cot.
Sleep & rest for children - Policy Guidelines for ECEC

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