Q&A Forum



Hi, My daughter is 2 years and 10 months old, and has recently transitioned from her cot to a junior bed (with guard rail). I have two questions: Is it safe to use a sheet - she sometimes asks for this instead of her sleeping bag. So far we have only used this for her daytime nap. She has also started to ask for a pillow when going to sleep at night. So far I have let her use a smallish pillow to fall asleep and then removed it. Is she old enough to have a pillow, or should I wait a little longer? Thank you.

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Posted a response on 10/1/24

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends that you withhold the use of a pillow until the child is out of a bed & over 2 years of age.

A tucked in sheet is suitable instead of a sleeping bag- now.
Red Nose actually recommends taking care if baby is in a bed & using a sleeping bag, due to risk of falls when child tries to walk in sleeping bag.
For more information on Cot to Bed Safety download our brochure .

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