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Is the Cocoonababy safe to put in the cot for baby to sleep in?

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Posted a response on 12/6/20

Red Nose Education

The Cocoonababy (& other similar infant sleep pods/nests) have been around for a few years now.
There are no Standards in Australia for these products in relation to Safe Sleeping.

As for any product that is on the market, it is important to ask oneself the following:
Does it allow my baby to sleep on their back, on a flat, not elevated surface?
Does this product create the potential for ” chin on chest” position?
Does it allow my baby to sleep with head & face uncovered?
Baby Products

The safest place for baby to sleep is in a cot that meets the Mandatory Australian Standards.

Red Nose recommends that the safest place to sleep baby is in a cot that meets the Australian Standards, on a firm, clean, well-fitting & flat mattress

Many products on the market today do not promote a firm or a flat surface.
There is a risk to baby of being placed to sleep in a position that may facilitate baby’s neck being flexed to the “chin on chest” position.

When a baby falls asleep in a propped up device the head can fall forwards, pushing the chin down towards the chest.
This can lead to the airway becoming blocked and reducing airflow.

Also portable sleep surfaces, like the one you describe, do not have Mandatory Australian Standards for safe infant sleep.
All safety standards for products in Australia are developed & monitored by ACCC - Product Safety Australia - https://www.productsafety.gov.au/products

Placing a baby for sleep on their back (& flat) is the safest way for baby. their swallowing & arousal mechanisms work more effectively when flat.
Babies are at risk of “chin on chest” position when not lying flat, which may increase risk of compromising baby’s airway.

Red Nose does not recommend restraining a baby in any one position while sleeping.

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