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Is the mommy tummy bed a good idea?

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Posted a response on 6/9/21

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends that the safest place for baby is in a cot that meets the Mandatory Australian Standards.
There are no Australian safety standards for safe sleeping with this product.
It is important that baby is placed on back for sleep, on a firm surface with no soft objects or padding within the sleep environment.
Red Nose also, does not recommend the use of pillows in baby’s sleep environment.
Many of the devices (pods or nest) that are available restrict the movements of baby’s head & have soft padded sides.

Devices that restrict the movement of a baby or the baby’s head are not recommended

Red Nose has information about products in general.

Not all products designed for babies are safe. They often attract parents with the promise of making sleeping, teething or carrying easier. But without safety regulations or proper use guidelines, they could cause a serious incident.


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