In loving memory of Maisie

Our day started with an obstetrician appointment on Friday 19th of March 2021 at 10:30 am.


I was 39 weeks pregnant, and I’d been told during my appointment that everything was fine and I was being induced the next day.

As the day went on, I started to get contractions so off to the hospital we went, happy and excited that we were going to be parents. The amazing staff took us in to a delivery suite to monitor us and tried to find a heartbeat.

They couldn’t find a heartbeat and we were reassured that this wasn’t uncommon on these machines.

They called our amazing obstetrician in to check with an ultrasound and he was just as shocked as we were to find out our beautiful little Maisie’s heart had stopped.

These seven words will stay with us for the rest of our lives. ‘I’m sorry, but your baby has died.’

Maisie was born sleeping on the Saturday 20th March 2021 at 12:35am. She had managed to wriggle and get her umbilical cord wrapped twice tightly around her neck.

Maisie made us proud parents to a beautiful Angel Baby who we will always love and hold dear in our hearts.

Maisie was conceived naturally, and we now realise that she was our miracle.

Since having Maisie, we have had two chemical pregnancies.

We are now going through the infertility journey and have tried IVF. So far, we have had 3 failed rounds and we are now undergoing a different fertility path with different medications to see if we can conceive naturally again.

Maisie was our first child. A loss we know we will never get over. The day her heart stopped beating, ours broke with it.

Our beautiful baby who was born sleeping and forever dreaming.